Lernen Tech
Lernen Tech
  • Видео 228
  • Просмотров 5 559 374
How to estimate licensing cost for Power Platform based Project | Power Platform Licensing
#powerplatform #powerapps #powerappslicensing
In this video I will walk you through Power platform License guide for your Project to estimate total license cost. ther are different licensing model MS has and choose the right one for your need is important. watch the full video and provide your input as well.
some of the refrences are -
feel free correct or add your inputs as well!
Просмотров: 799


How to copy powerapps form from one SharePoint list to another | Migrate list form to another list
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.3 месяца назад
#listcustomform #powerappslistform #powerapps In this video you will learn how to migrate/move SharePoint list custom powerapps form to another list by updating the json file. we will export the powerapps list form and then make some changes to the json file and then import it back to the another sharepoint list. In case you are geeting error while importing please check your unzip folder prope...
Create PowerApps Login Form with Role Based Screen Navigation using SharePoint List as Source
Просмотров 18 тыс.6 месяцев назад
#powerappsloginform #loginform #loginpage This Video is about powerapps login form design as well as role based redirection to different screen. you can design different feature like password mode, error message display and naviagtion to different screen based on user role in access matrix list. I hope you will enjoy this, don't forget to subscribe the Channel.
Power Automate - Calculate Number of Working Day Between two days Excluding Holidays & Weekends
Просмотров 2,5 тыс.6 месяцев назад
#datedifference #powerautomate I this video you will learn how to calulate no of working days between two dates and exclude weekends and Public Holidays. i have used sharepoint list as public holiday source you can use anything you like and can create your own system. this method will help you in sla calculation and other important stuff. I hope you will enjoy it.
How To Send Microsoft Forms Response With Multiple Attachments Over Email Using Power Automate
Просмотров 8 тыс.6 месяцев назад
#powerautomate #formstoemail #msformsfileupload This is Power Automate and Microsoft Forms video, where you will learn how you send your forms responses with multiple attachment or file uploads to any of the email id using Power Automate. you can send these email to multiple email id whenever there is new responses submitted to MS Forms. watch full video to learn in detail
How to Create Left Navigation Component in PowerApps | Left Nav Menu in PowerApps
Просмотров 8 тыс.7 месяцев назад
#powerappsleftnav #powerappsComponent #powerapps In This video you will learn how to create left naviagtion menu in powerapps using Component and reuse them in multiple screen inside your powerapps. I have built this as dynamic it can be and kept it simple to use, I hope you will like it.
Create Customized Horizontal Scrollable Gallery in Power Apps using Slider Control
Просмотров 6 тыс.7 месяцев назад
#powerappsgallery #horizontalscrollbar #scrollablegalleryinpowerapps In this video you will learn how you can create a custom horizontal scrollable gallery in powerapps (Canvas app). by default we do not have have this feature in powerapps but we can use gallery with slider control to create it. Hope you enjoyed it.
How to Download Files Directly from PowerApps Gallery or Open in New Tab | Powerapps File Download
Просмотров 10 тыс.8 месяцев назад
#powerapps #filedownload #powerappsgallery In this video you will learn how to download file directly from powerapps gallery without using power automate. you can also open it in new tab as well. i have used sharepoint library in powerapps gallery to make it happen. Here are some formula's that i have used - Set(surl,First(Split(ThisItem.'Link to item',"DATA")).Value); Download(surl&"_layouts/1...
Create Tabbed Form in PowerApps Using Modern TabList Control | TabList Control in PowerApps
Просмотров 2,7 тыс.8 месяцев назад
#tablist #tabbedform #powerapps This Video is about Powerapps modern tablist control to create tabbed form in powerapps. we can use tablist to create navigation menu, tabbed form, gallery and much more. watch full video to learn creating tabbed form using modern tablist control in powerapps.
Difference between Sharepoint Team site and Communication site | Team site vs Communication site
Просмотров 1,8 тыс.8 месяцев назад
#teamvscommunicationsite #sharepoint #sharepointonline This video is all about difference between SharePoint Team Site vs Communication Site and which one you should choose while creating a SharePoint site. i have explained the most important difference which is M365 groups in detail hope you will enjoy it. you can follow the microsoft documentation which i have discussed during the video. lear...
Power automate scheduled flow not running | flow recurrence not working | Scheduled flow issue fixed
Просмотров 1,5 тыс.9 месяцев назад
#powerautomate #scheduledflow #recurrenceflowissue This video is about Power automate scheduled flow recurrence which doesn't trigger on time. i have explained how you can overcome tis issue and make flow scheduled flow recurrence work fine for you. specially the weekly and monthly flow.
Power Automate - Send Previous vs Current Version Values Over Email when Columns Changes in List
Просмотров 3,9 тыс.9 месяцев назад
#powerautomate #versionhistory #trackcolumnchnages In this detail video i have gone through the detail of getting previous values vs current values of a list item column when there is any column changes happen inside SharePoint List. below are the refrence code - split(replace(replace(string(outputs('Get_changes_for_an_item_or_a_file_(properties_only)')?['body/ColumnHasChanged']),'{',''),'}',''...
How to Create a Horizontal Scrollable Gallery in Power Apps | Scrollable Gallery in Canvas Apps
Просмотров 14 тыс.10 месяцев назад
#powerappsgallery #horizontalscrollinpowerapps #scrollablegalleryinpowerapps In this video you will learn how you can create horizontal scrollable gallery in powerapps (Canvas app). by default we do not have have this feature but we will create solution with the help of container and make it possible. Hope you enjoy and learn something new in PowerApps.
How to Enable Copilot for your Power automate | Copilot in Power Automate
Просмотров 2,4 тыс.11 месяцев назад
#copilot #openai #powerautomate This video explain How you can enable or add Copilot in your power automate with new Power Automate Designer Experience. as this feature is in preview after watching this video you can enable it for yourself and can start exploring things in Power automate Cloud version.
How to enable Copilot for your Powerapps - PowerApps New Home Page UI
Просмотров 4,4 тыс.11 месяцев назад
#Copilot #powerAppsCopilot #openai If you are still not able to see Copilot in your Powerapps Home page then this video can help you getting there. in this video i have explained how you can enable Copilot in your PowerApps Enviornemnt and can start using it with new powerapps Home page Design.
Power Automate - How to Create a cloud flow from by just typing in natural language | Open AI | GPT
Просмотров 360Год назад
Power Automate - How to Create a cloud flow from by just typing in natural language | Open AI | GPT
How to Create Unique ID for SharePoint List Records Using Power Automate - Automatic ID Generator
Просмотров 28 тыс.Год назад
How to Create Unique ID for SharePoint List Records Using Power Automate - Automatic ID Generator
Power Automate - Send Email when an Item/file get Deleted from SharePoint List or Document Library
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate - Send Email when an Item/file get Deleted from SharePoint List or Document Library
How to Connect SharePoint List to Excel Sheet Directly without using Power Automate
Просмотров 18 тыс.Год назад
How to Connect SharePoint List to Excel Sheet Directly without using Power Automate
Power Automate - How to Create Document Approval Process in SharePoint Document Library
Просмотров 13 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate - How to Create Document Approval Process in SharePoint Document Library
SharePoint List Image Column in Powerapps | Upload powerapps Image to SharePoint Image Column
Просмотров 4,4 тыс.Год назад
SharePoint List Image Column in Powerapps | Upload powerapps Image to SharePoint Image Column
How to Quarantine your PowerApps using Power Automate
Просмотров 748Год назад
How to Quarantine your PowerApps using Power Automate
Power Automate - How to Rename All Files inside SharePoint Document Library | Send HTTP Request
Просмотров 7 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate - How to Rename All Files inside SharePoint Document Library | Send HTTP Request
Power Automate - Migrate Communication Site Pages to Team Site Pages | Copy SharePoint Site Pages
Просмотров 2,8 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate - Migrate Communication Site Pages to Team Site Pages | Copy SharePoint Site Pages
Power Automate Create Multiple Copy of SharePoint Site Page Template, Rename Them & Add Page Title
Просмотров 2,2 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate Create Multiple Copy of SharePoint Site Page Template, Rename Them & Add Page Title
Power Automate - Create Multiple Folder & Subfolder Inside SharePoint Document Library
Просмотров 29 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate - Create Multiple Folder & Subfolder Inside SharePoint Document Library
Power Automate - Run PowerApps Connected Flow with Elevated Privileges | Run only Users
Просмотров 1,3 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate - Run PowerApps Connected Flow with Elevated Privileges | Run only Users
Power Automate - Download All User's List Who Has Access to PowerApps | Get App Role Assignments
Просмотров 2,9 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate - Download All User's List Who Has Access to PowerApps | Get App Role Assignments
Power Automate - Run a Flow When SharePoint Column is Modified | Get Changes for an Item Action
Просмотров 33 тыс.Год назад
Power Automate - Run a Flow When SharePoint Column is Modified | Get Changes for an Item Action
How to Enable or Disable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Office 365 Users | Azure MFA
Просмотров 30 тыс.Год назад
How to Enable or Disable Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) for Office 365 Users | Azure MFA


  • @ironbrion20
    @ironbrion20 День назад

    How secure is this? Can the whole organization or potential outsiders see responses?

  • @najatamachki7770
    @najatamachki7770 2 дня назад

    refresh did not work!!

  • @BreijerBouw
    @BreijerBouw 2 дня назад

    Watched many videos about this subject from others, but this was the one for me. Thx! Very happy with my result.

  • @chaysiewhoe
    @chaysiewhoe 3 дня назад

    well done. thanks alot.

  • @Wcbssg
    @Wcbssg 5 дней назад

    Can you make one video update 2nd list that already have email and attachments there which usually update unable to update additional email and attachments added from master list. Thank you

  • @aryanshah5385
    @aryanshah5385 5 дней назад

    Set(surl,ThisItem.'Link to Item'); Is not working for me. The error showing is : Incompatible type. We can't evaluate your formula because the context variable types are incompatible with the types of values in other places in your app

  • @samsepiolz
    @samsepiolz 5 дней назад

    how do you create the progressive ID in ID column? thanks

  • @alineruiz8090
    @alineruiz8090 6 дней назад

    This was really helpful!! Thanks a lot

  • @alondraespinal5115
    @alondraespinal5115 9 дней назад

    Hello, great video. What about if you want to add the changes to a 2nd sharepoint list and not via email. I’m trying to have a 2nd sharepoint list that logs all the changes/version history. Any suggestions on how to accomplish that instead of sending it through email. Thank you.

    • @LernenTech
      @LernenTech 8 дней назад

      If you want to just create new entry every time there is change then it’s simple create item in another list by mapping columns or if you want to update single record then create a unique id field. There is a video in channel already about update item in secondary list

    • @alondraespinal5115
      @alondraespinal5115 16 часов назад

      Thank you for answering. I saw the tutorial on updating the second sharepoint list but it doesn’t apply to me because the fields on my second sharepoint list are not the same as in the primary list. I want to be able to store the changes the user makes to the field on the primary list on the secondary list. Kind of like a version record of previous and current changes. But after I get to the “select 3 step” I have not been able to figure out how to add the “previous changes “ and “current change” field to the second sharepoint list.

  • @jiggadaboom
    @jiggadaboom 10 дней назад

    This was super helpful Prakash, thank you very much!!!

  • @xuxipunketa1
    @xuxipunketa1 12 дней назад

    Thank you! But it says Unable to process template language expressions for action Condition at line 0 and column 0. The template language function contains expects its first argument collection to be dictionary, an array or a string. The provided value is of type Null. Can you help me out?

  • @sudhirsharma7348
    @sudhirsharma7348 14 дней назад

    Very informative

  • @Dachu_Achu
    @Dachu_Achu 16 дней назад

    Hi Prakash, I followed the same process as per your video but the src info within img tab disappears when it runs, meaning just the <img> is displayed when it is saved/run. Still, I receive the email with no image on it. Do we need a premium license to run the flow with the image? But just one day it worked for me to send an email with the image then I altered new columns in the SharePoint list and reselected the fields in power automate flow, it's gone and I keep trying it but no luck. Can you please advise me?

  • @il107
    @il107 16 дней назад

    Hi, thanks for this very useful tip. Two questions: why do you change the data source in Canvas and not in json? Second, I tried both ways for the data source but my field cards are not updating their data source automatically - Canvas actually suggests to replace the cards with new ones but this creates a mess in the form. Do you know why this would happen?

  • @TalktomeGoose-vm6dn
    @TalktomeGoose-vm6dn 16 дней назад

    Hi there, thank you for these great instructions, however I'm having a bit of trouble. I am trying to add the titles (names) of each questions in the body of the email to match to the dynamic value, however when I go to try to search for the dynamic value, I keep getting "There are no results for your search" . I must have missed a step in connecting my form. please help

  • @toppanam611
    @toppanam611 17 дней назад

    "identifier" is not show up on the list

  • @botmarshall3221
    @botmarshall3221 18 дней назад

    whenever my item is getting update with multiple coloumns it's creating an new entry rather just updating the same why so ?

  • @Noorullah09
    @Noorullah09 18 дней назад

    This is really helpful thanks a lot

  • @elaxhelm
    @elaxhelm 19 дней назад

    For those that have the error when there isn't attachments, follow this: 1.) Under your Initialize Variable that you named "fileUpload" create a Compose Data Operation action. 2.) For the input, use a length expression similar to the JSON made in the "Apply to each" field. You will do the exact same thing, select Expression tab, then enter: length("dynamic content for file attachments response") again, it's the same as the JSON we have to get response details. Make sure you click dynamic content while your cursor is within the parenthesis and select your forms name for the file attachments. This will check the character length of the response. 3.) Now create a condition and select the dynamic content from your Compose action "Outputs". Use the expression "Outputs" is greater than 0 4.) In the YES condition, put your "Apply for each" command and the send email action. This will run if the output from our data operation is greater than 0 which means there's attachments. 5.) Copy your send email action and add this action to the NO condition. Go in the advanced options and remove the fileUpload expression within attachments. Rename this to whatever you need that tells you it's with no attachments and the same for your other that sends with attachments. 6.) Save and test! Your flow should look like this: When a new response is submitted --> Get Response Details --> Initialize Variable --> Compose --> Condition Condition Flow: YES --> Apply to each --> Send Email With Attachments NO --> Send Email Without Attachments Hope this helps!

  • @nasiralikhan8503
    @nasiralikhan8503 20 дней назад

    This is very easy and step by step explanation. Thanks for sharing

  • @kalieeaton
    @kalieeaton 20 дней назад

    I keep getting an error in the Select_3 step. And my outputs have not looked the same as yours after the filter array step. ChatGPT is saying that my outputs appear to be a mixture of JSON-like structures, HTML, and other text. How do I fix my flow?

  • @reeceanderson5647
    @reeceanderson5647 21 день назад

    Thanks, this was really helpful years later!

  • @Crisis16J
    @Crisis16J 22 дня назад

    Awesome technique, just to note that you cannot use negative numbers with Range function.

  • @ersinyalcin7671
    @ersinyalcin7671 23 дня назад

    Hello Learning Tech I have also done it according to your instructions but when I update it makes me a new line every time. I don't know where I made the mistake.

  • @jokerkd420
    @jokerkd420 24 дня назад

    am i need a domain for creating a forms for excel

  • @hazemma122
    @hazemma122 25 дней назад

    i need help I have more than one file upload in each slot how put power automate

  • @Emmaxson
    @Emmaxson 26 дней назад

    @LernenTech does this mean the user has to login twice? First using Microsoft PowerApps Login (OAuth) And then in-app login? Correct?

  • @jos3pph
    @jos3pph 27 дней назад

    Thank you... I tried but got lost at Lookup(Usercredential,'User Name'.Email =TextInput2.Text where did that .Email part come from?

    • @LernenTech
      @LernenTech 27 дней назад

      email of user name stored in credential list and that a person and group field so you can fetch all the detial of a user like email, display name etc.

  • @nouna5727
    @nouna5727 28 дней назад

    simple and to the point

  • @paulodebelen4154
    @paulodebelen4154 Месяц назад

    Mine is working but it is sending blank

  • @MP-kj5ur
    @MP-kj5ur Месяц назад

    Excel sheet is not updating. Double checked and my flow is correct.

  • @tonygan9332
    @tonygan9332 Месяц назад

    Can we reset the ID start from number 1 again

  • @alchimista83
    @alchimista83 Месяц назад

    I'm sorry, but I don't understand your reasoning. If I select from Sunday October 1st till Friday October 6th, the calculation would exclude two days, Sunday and the Monday because is public holiday, so the results should be 4 instead of 3 days. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thrusday and Friday (because the 6th is included in the date range). In your example is like you are excluding Friday.

  • @no.more.official
    @no.more.official Месяц назад

    thank you

  • @muzammiltaleb4993
    @muzammiltaleb4993 Месяц назад

    Hi, Will it work for mobile devices?

  • @thulsadon
    @thulsadon Месяц назад

    I was literally just starting to work on a side navigation gallery component and was having issues. I found this video and this is just excellent. Thank you for providing great tips and insight.

  • @maheshgupte1495
    @maheshgupte1495 Месяц назад

    You are amazing

  • @KarolSalazarCR
    @KarolSalazarCR Месяц назад

    you are great!!!

  • @chandrikaBheemaneni-zf1br
    @chandrikaBheemaneni-zf1br Месяц назад

    Hi ,Here the source of data is from Sharepoint ,if it is from azure blob is there any possibility to get data from there directly into powerapps and download. Thank you!

  • @user-vo7dw7qu8x
    @user-vo7dw7qu8x Месяц назад

    thank u so much

  • @marziakhalid4982
    @marziakhalid4982 Месяц назад

    woww! I was stuck at one point and you just solved that issue!

  • @Elardramora
    @Elardramora Месяц назад

    Thanks a lot mister ;) Very helpful 😍

  • @ankitanand8794
    @ankitanand8794 Месяц назад

    I have three regions APAC, AMER, EMEA. I want something like if I'm creater folders it should to the respective folders instead to all the region. Like A folder in AMER, B Folder in EMEA and C folder in APAC. Can you help in tis

  • @Triocreatingchaos1115
    @Triocreatingchaos1115 Месяц назад

    Thank you. Literally saved my few days of searching the solution. 😊

  • @itmailabs
    @itmailabs Месяц назад

    Hello How can I correctly add to this cycle that when the user updates information in the Destination lists, it is also updated in the Source lists? It is necessary that in both sheets it is possible to change the information in the record.

  • @user-tl1ms1bq6n
    @user-tl1ms1bq6n Месяц назад

    Nice work. You got appreciation from my Manager. Thank You!

  • @torkjelhurtig712
    @torkjelhurtig712 Месяц назад

    Thanks! Much better than ChatGPT 3.5's suggestion and all forum posts.

  • @pollosos88
    @pollosos88 Месяц назад

    Hello, its a very useful tutorial, just when im trying to do the same, i receive the following error on the condition yes:  InvalidTemplate. Unable to process template language expressions in action 'Update_item' inputs at line '0' and column '0': 'The template language function 'int' was invoked with a parameter that is not valid. The value cannot be converted to the target type.'. Could you help to solve?. thanks a lot.

  • @ramses_is_numba_one
    @ramses_is_numba_one Месяц назад

    what if we want to move specific files that are in a list in excel? Is there a way to link the excel sheet so power automate can grab the file names from the spreadsheet?

  • @hemanthkumar6716
    @hemanthkumar6716 Месяц назад

    can we add dataverse to exiting app screen can you please provided solution